Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Want to Overcome Dental Decay, Root Canal is a Tried & Trusted Cosmetic Dentistry Procedure in NYC

An anonymous saying, “A smile is the light in the window of your face that tells people you're at home.”

A beautiful smile is not only attractive but also a reflection of inner cheerfulness and a good oral health. Our teeth are precious; therefore, we need to care for them. However, a laxity in maintaining oral health can result in dental decays, which may demand restoration. A root canal therapy is a common procedure performed by a Cosmetic Dentist Manhattan  surgeon to treat dental decays and to make them healthier.

Check, if you need a root canal treatment -
The persistence of following symptoms makes the cosmetic dentistry procedure of root canal therapy inevitable, these may include -
1. The discoloration & severe darkening of the tooth structure signifies that the tooth may require root canal.
2. A constant swelling and a tender feeling in the nearby gums could mean a prevalent infection.
3. Sensitivity of teeth towards cold & hot things that lingers for a long time would need root canal treatment.
4. A severe tooth pain when a little pressure is applied or something is eaten with it.

The process of Root Canal Therapy –
A cosmetic dentistry NYC professional efficiently perform this therapy in a couple of visits, which may involve the following steps -
1. An X-ray of the tooth is taken to reveal the shape of the roots and to diagnose any infection in the surrounding area.
2. Anesthesia is generally applied to make the area numb and a rubber dam is applied around the teeth.
3. By drilling a hole into the tooth, the pulp intermingled with decayed nerve-tissue is removed out of the tooth.
4. Using water and sodium chloride solution, the debris is removed from all the corners of the root canals with the help of tooth files.
5. The interior of the tooth is then sealed with a dental sealant and gutta percha, which is a rubber compound.

A crown is then applied to the tooth in order to complete the restoration procedure.

Root canal therapy helps to restore a tooth, Susan, who recently underwent this cosmetic dentistry procedure said, “I was ignoring my teeth since long time and my misery had reached a stage that I could only eat soft foods and was living on fluids. Root canal therapy has given a new lease to my life.”
Dental Implants Manhattan surgeons are expert in not only sculpting beautiful smiles but also for treating different types of dental problems that are common among New Yorkers, visit for more details.

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