Tuesday, 17 January 2012

A Cosmetic Dentistry Professional in NYC sheds light on Post Operative Dental Care

The vibrant and appearance obsessed society of New York considers a smile as an important social asset. Thousands of people undergo cosmetic dentistry procedures every year in the Big Apple. Tooth extractions and tooth whitening are some of the most common procedures provided by any CosmeticDentistry NYC professional.

However, most New Yorkers are not aware that these procedures require a good, postoperative care in order to hasten the process of recovery and prevent any complications in the future. A renowned cosmetic dentist of New York shares about the various postoperative procedures to be followed after a tooth extraction and whitening treatment.

After a tooth extraction

1. Rinsing - It is advisable not to rinse the mouth on the day of a tooth extraction. The candidate may start rinsing the next day onwards by adding a quarter teaspoon of salt to Luke warm water and continue to rinse daily.

2. Sharp edges - It is common to have sharp edges that may work up through the gums during the healing process. A candidate may return to the cosmetic dentist if the discomfort of these sharp edges prevails.

3. Pain - A cosmetic dentistry NYC surgeon may also prescribe a non-aspirin type medication in order to counter postoperative pain. The discomfort caused by a tooth extraction may continue for a few days after the surgery.

4. Bleeding - It is a common occurrence after an extraction that could be tackled by the application of gauze pads over the affected area.

5. Swelling - This is common as a symptom of tissue damage; an ice bag should be applied every hour to the affected area in order to reduce swelling.

6. Food - Most cosmetic dentists’ advice a light diet containing soft chewable foods for the first twenty-four hours after the surgery. Crunchy foods can be trapped easily in the sockets of the tooth, therefore, should be avoided for a few days.

After teeth whitening

1. Toothpaste - It is imperative that the candidate continues to use a toothpaste with high fluoride content as it helps to toughen the teeth in the long run

2. Pain - After the whitening process, the teeth could be quite sensitive to hot and cold food or beverages. Excessive intake of food should be avoided and proper rest should be taken by the candidate after a tooth whitening process.

A Cosmetic Dentistry NYC expert performs dental treatments on a patient for the prevention of various oral diseases and it can only turn successful when proper care is taken in to consideration after the treatments. Visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com/ for more details and to book an appointment.

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