Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Grooming up before your wedding day? Do something about those yellow mellow teeth!

There is no denying the fact that the wedding day is one of the most memorable days in anyone's life! Every little girl wishes of looking like a princess when she walks down the aisle and everyone applauds in awe, to her beauty and perfection! How is this for a dream spoiler? You walk down the aisle in your pearly white dress and gorgeous makeup, looking prim and proper and perfect, and then, you smile!, Your ugly teeth will make people gasp in horror, and your groom might not want to kiss you! Okay that may have gone a little overboard, but on a serious note, would you want to sport yellow, dirty teeth at your wedding?

Would you not rather prefer to have teeth matching your white and bright gown? Of course you would, and then make an effort for it. Pre-bridal procedures work on improving every aspect of your beauty, except one, your teeth! How do the beauticians forget that your 32whites are an asset to your face and they need to be groomed to perfection as well?

The simple solution to this is that you make a visit to a good Teeth Whitening Dentist. When you go for a general check-up, you will find out how good or how bad your oral position is and what they can do to make it better. These days cosmetic dentist studios and the new 'in thing' for people who want sparkling healthy teeth. The dentist shall check your teeth for cavities and other dental issues. You can undergo root canals, teeth whitening procedures, porcelain veneers, dental implants and so on, so that your teeth not only gleam and shine but are also in the best of health.

The dentist will suggest you techniques for taking the best care of your teeth and help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful for a long time. They are not even too costly so you don't need to worry about spending oodles before your wedding.

Your groom shall be dazzled with your pearly perfect smile on your 'D' day and will fall in love with you all over again. Even better, you and your man can both opt for these pre-wedding dental grooming sessions and bedazzle every guest at your reception party. What can be more perfect that couple with heavenly smiles on their faces, promising love and togetherness and warmth to each other for life!

Visit Dental Implants in NYC

Monday, 17 December 2012

Looking for a cosmetic dentist in NYC? Keep these 3 things in mind

Dental procedures are highly complex ones especially when you talk about teeth restoration and other cosmetic surgeries related to the dentistry. Although, you will be able to find many dental care specialists in New York, but can you trust these professionals for your smile makeover, certainly not!

Therefore, it becomes critical that the dental surgeon you are going to choose is skilled enough for carrying out these dental surgeries. Below mentioned things are going to help you in making a choice –
  1. Credentials held by the professional – The first and the foremost thing to look for in a dental care professional is the educational qualification held. There is a world of difference between the job of a regular dentist and a cosmetic dentist in NYC So, always look for a dentist who holds a certification in cosmetic dentistry techniques. Any dentist can claim to be a cosmetic dental professional, but do not believe in words of mouth, rather ask for something that can verify those claims. 
  2. Experience in the field – a new practitioner in the field can never match the knowledge and expertise of an experienced cosmetic dentist. As they say “Years of classroom teaching cannot beat a year’s worth of experience.” Considering this, you need to look for a cosmetic dentist who holds a good amount of experience in the field. Besides this, you would not want to be the guinea pig at the hands of someone who is still learning, even if you get the services at a cheaper price. Would you?
  3. Services offered – The field of cosmetic dentistry is vast as there are ‘n’ numbers of procedures that you can avail in order to give a complete makeover to your dentistry. It is always better to go to a cosmetic dentist who can offer different services (some of the most common ones being dental implants, crowns, veneers, teeth whitening procedures as well as dental fillings), as you might have to undergo more than one procedure to correct your teeth.
Finding a cosmetic dentist, who can satisfy the above mentioned criterions, can assure that you are with the best in the field so that you can get the perfect smile on your face. It might take some time to search such a medical professional, but the time spent is worth it. After all, the expertise of the dentist can be the difference between a normal and an amazing smile.

Dental Implants New York is the one stop shop where you can get all the dental procedures carried out.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

A brief introduction to amalgam tooth fillings in New York!

Dental filings and other related dental restoration procedures have been the greatest blessing that the field of Cosmetic Dentist Manhattan has brought forward. Although, dental fillings have been practiced by humans since ages, yet the recent technological advancements in the field have been incredible. Whether it is the improvement in the surgical procedures or the wide range of materials that have become available to be used as a filling material, everything has been revolutionary.

One of the most common procedure for which people visit a dentist in New York is to get dental fillings. And amalgam has been the preferred choice for the procedure as compared to other options, because of a number of reasons. What are those reasons, let us have a look:

What is amalgam?

The material is an alloy (a mixture of different metals) that is generally composed of silver, copper, mercury and tin. The mercury proportions usually the highest in the composition.

Although there has been a hullabaloo about the use of mercury in the mixture (as mercury has been known to have life threatening consequences on human health), and there have been a few questions raised about its used in the composite. But, no significant results have been obtained in the studies carried out so far that can confirm the harmful effect of mercury used in dental fillings.

The advantages -

The best thing about using amalgam in dental fillings is its bio compatibility (the property of being biologically compatible by not producing a toxic, injurious, or immunological response in living tissue).

Another thing that makes amalgam tooth fillings so beneficial is the fact that they are mechanically very strong and hence can bear the chewing loads for years with minimum wear and tear. This is the biggest reason behind the success of this material being the number one choice when it comes to restoring molar teeth.

Gum line restoration is difficult because it is really very difficult to keep the area dry. However, amalgam fillings have proved to be perfect for the task.

Although these benefits seem to be more than enough to make amalgam tooth fillings the number one choice of dentists in New York, but the question mark about the use of mercury in these fillings has led to a decline in the usage of amalgam as a restorative material.

FDA is carrying out the studies at a large scale to clarify all these doubts. We all have to wait and see what the future of amalgam fillings is going to be.

Cosmetic Dentistry NYC is dental clinic that specializes in cosmetic & implant dentistry.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Dental Crowns in NYC – What Options Do You Have in Your Hands?

Dental crowns in NYC have been employed as a restorative procedure, to get back the lost teeth, for the past so many years. However, over the past few decades, looking at the technological advancements, there has been a huge change in the field of cosmetic dentistry.

As compared to the past, better techniques are employed these days for dental procedures. Crowns can be permanent or temporary as per the need of the person. Not only that, even the material used in dental prosthetics has also seen a huge improvement. The option of material, to be used in dental crowning is not limited to just metals. Rather, there are many other materials that have proved to be much more beneficial. Let us have a look at these options:
  1. Metals & Alloys – metallic crowns have been a popular choice of dentists since a long time. The reason of these metallic implants being so popular is the fact that metal/alloys are not prone to wear & tear because of their physical strength. The negative point about metal crowns is their color. They are a perfect choice for molar & premolar which are generally not visible. Even in metals there are options like Aluminum, palladium & alloys made from Ni-Cr (Nickel -Chromium) or even stainless steel is also used.
  2. Resin – dental crowns made from resin are the closest to natural tooth when it comes to appearance. The benefits of resinous crowns, is the fact that they can expand & contract just like natural teeth. At the same time these can prove to be really cost effective as crowns made of resin cost way less than other types.
  3. Ceramic - Porcelain has emerged as a top choice, as a ceramic, for dental prosthesis, as crowns made from this material can be matched with the color of adjacent tooth. As compared to alloys, these are less strong & may get broken off in certain situations. However, when it comes to increasing the aesthetics, they are preferred over metallic crowns. These are the perfect option for people who have risks of metal allergies.
  4. Apart from the above mentioned choices, dentists have also used porcelain in combination with metals in this restorative procedure. All these options have their own pros and cons. Depending upon the requirements of patients, a Amalgam Tooth Fillings can select the suitable material to be used in the process, so as to bring back the lost smile on the patient's face.

    Cosmetic Dentistry NYC is a dental care facility that is renowned for delivering excellent services when it comes to complex dentistry procedures like dental implants, tooth filling & dental crowns, in NYC.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Everything you need to know about Root Canal Treatment in NYC

Dental problems are very common amongst people of all age groups. There are various dental procedures that can be undertaken in order to ensure good dental health. Of all these, root canal treatment is one of the most common reasons for a visit to dentists by the people of New York City.

Before we discuss anything further, have a look at everything that you would want to know about root canal treatment in NYC.

What is a root canal & what is Root Canal Treatment?
Anatomically, root canal is the space present within the root of a tooth. Within this space is included the main canal, pulp chamber and the interconnecting branches that connect the root canals of teeth to each other.

Root Canal Treatment is considered, technically, as an endodontic procedure ('endo' – inside and 'odont' tooth in Greek language).

Why? One question that rises here is why would anyone need to go for a root canal treatment? Well, the process is carried out in case there is a dental infection. There can be various causes for the infection like a crack or breakage in the tooth, decay and dental procedures which went wrong to name some. Under any of the above mentioned circumstances, there is a huge possibility that tooth might get damaged (due to infection in dental pulp) if no treatment is undertaken. To preserve the damaged teeth, the infected pulp must be removed and the dental canal is needed to be emptied.

How is root canal treatment helpful in getting rid of the infection?

As a part of this endothermic process, the dentist is going to completely get rid of the infected dental pulp in the root canal. Once the canal is emptied, internal cleaning of the teeth is carried out and the channel inside is filled by using cosmetic fillings. The fillings are left for some time, after which the clinician places dental crowns, as a part of the restoration process, and you will be able to get back your teeth in a healthy and as good as natural condition.
What are the aftermaths of this procedure?

A great deal of care is required after a surgical procedure as complex as a root canal treatment. After the treatment, the patients are advised to practice good oral hygiene that includes proper cleaning & brushing as well as regular dental checkups. The patients must also not chew by using the treated teeth until the teeth have been restored completely by the dentist, otherwise there is possibility of damage/ fracture to the teeth.

Amalgam Tooth Fillings in New York is a New York based dental care facility that offers the best dental procedures including dental filings, dental crowns, and root canal, in NYC to name a few.