Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Everything you need to know about Root Canal Treatment in NYC

Dental problems are very common amongst people of all age groups. There are various dental procedures that can be undertaken in order to ensure good dental health. Of all these, root canal treatment is one of the most common reasons for a visit to dentists by the people of New York City.

Before we discuss anything further, have a look at everything that you would want to know about root canal treatment in NYC.

What is a root canal & what is Root Canal Treatment?
Anatomically, root canal is the space present within the root of a tooth. Within this space is included the main canal, pulp chamber and the interconnecting branches that connect the root canals of teeth to each other.

Root Canal Treatment is considered, technically, as an endodontic procedure ('endo' – inside and 'odont' tooth in Greek language).

Why? One question that rises here is why would anyone need to go for a root canal treatment? Well, the process is carried out in case there is a dental infection. There can be various causes for the infection like a crack or breakage in the tooth, decay and dental procedures which went wrong to name some. Under any of the above mentioned circumstances, there is a huge possibility that tooth might get damaged (due to infection in dental pulp) if no treatment is undertaken. To preserve the damaged teeth, the infected pulp must be removed and the dental canal is needed to be emptied.

How is root canal treatment helpful in getting rid of the infection?

As a part of this endothermic process, the dentist is going to completely get rid of the infected dental pulp in the root canal. Once the canal is emptied, internal cleaning of the teeth is carried out and the channel inside is filled by using cosmetic fillings. The fillings are left for some time, after which the clinician places dental crowns, as a part of the restoration process, and you will be able to get back your teeth in a healthy and as good as natural condition.
What are the aftermaths of this procedure?

A great deal of care is required after a surgical procedure as complex as a root canal treatment. After the treatment, the patients are advised to practice good oral hygiene that includes proper cleaning & brushing as well as regular dental checkups. The patients must also not chew by using the treated teeth until the teeth have been restored completely by the dentist, otherwise there is possibility of damage/ fracture to the teeth.

Amalgam Tooth Fillings in New York is a New York based dental care facility that offers the best dental procedures including dental filings, dental crowns, and root canal, in NYC to name a few.

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