Sunday, 3 February 2013

MYTHS UNCOVERED-Root Canal Treatment

Also called endodontic therapy, root canal procedure is performed to remove the tooth’s pulp (a small, thread like tissue in the center of the tooth) and fills the pulp with cavity. A dentist or endodontist seals off the root canal.

If not removed, the damaged pulp can result in the development of a painful infection that may, subsequently, spread to other teeth. This treatment can relieve toothache, limits infections, and offers a painless healing.

The name “rot canal” pretty much seems to be terrified of it. It is just because of the number of misconceptions or myths that are floating around the name root canal as people unknowingly pass on misinformation about it. This document will let you know about the facts, replacing myths.

Myth#1: Endodontic therapy is painful: More often than not, when people are advised to have this treatment, they usually think about pain. Fortunately, this myth is not true. Root canal treatment does not cause pain. In fact, pain occurs due an infection in the tooth, not by the procedure.

Before starting with this therapy, dentist gives the patient a local anaesthesia that will numb the tooth and the area surrounds it. As a good result it, patient won’t feel pain throughout the entire job.

Myth#2: Root canal is an expensive procedure: Although, endodontic therapy is a costly treatment, it saves the life of your tooth and helps to keep it normal for functioning properly. One more thing, cost of this procedure is not fixed, rather it may vary depending upon the expertise and experience of endodontist, how many canals a tooth has, if it is the first time, you are undergoing this therapy or retreatment.

Myth3: Post-operative mild pain is removed immediately after the procedure: Mild pain is obvious after any procedure. Same is the case with root canal. Your tooth will remain sensitive for the first few days and mild pain can occur while chewing. Don’t worry!, the use of prescribed pain-relieving medication can help you in fast recovery.

Myth#4: Root Canal kills the tooth: Unfortunately, this myth is not at all true. In fact, this therapy cleans and disinfects the inner side of the tooth.

Depending upon your teeth’s condition your dentist may recommend you to take other dental procedures that cosmetic dentistry includes like mercury tooth fillings, dental implants, teeth whitening, and more.

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