Saturday, 18 February 2012

A Cosmetic Dentist from New York City talks about the Option of Dental Bridges

Thousands of people resort to cosmetic dentistry procedures every year in the city of New York. The futuristic treatment options available at a cosmetic dentist NYC clinic help to eliminate all dental flaws. Missing teeth are one of the common dental issues encountered by many. Dental bridges are also termed as fixed partial dentures in the world of cosmetic dentistry and are used in the restoration of missing teeth. In most cases, bridges may act as alternatives to dental implants or dentures that are used in the replacement of missing teeth. Most people prefer this procedure as it is less invasive in comparison to fitting dental implants.

Let us know more about dental bridges in the section below,
1.       Dental bridges help in the restoration of the smile, maintain the shape of the face, correct the bite alignment, help the dental candidate to bite and chew properly.
2.       Bridges that are used for the replacement of missing teeth may be of three types that are the traditional bridges, cantilever bridges and Maryland bonded bridges. These may be constructed out of resin-bonded teeth or it may be porcelain fused to metal or ceramics.
3.       The placement of bridge involves the abutment of the teeth that involves the resizing of the teeth. In cases where these support teeth are broken or damaged then they have to be reconstructed in order to support the bridge.
4.       After the recountering of the adjacent teeth, the impression of the teeth is taken in order to build a customized bridge. Until the permanent bridge is fitted, the cosmetic dentist NYC  clinic may fit a temporary bridge in order to avoid any possible discomfort.
5.       The cosmetic dentist then uses dental cement or bonding solution in order to fix the dental crown to the teeth. Post dental care information is provided by the doctor in order to maintain the wellness of these bridges.
6.       Dental bridges may last up to a span of ten years; however, in case of any complications or repairs the cosmetic dentist should be immediately contacted. Good oral hygiene should also be practiced in order to prevent the threat of infection or the weakening of teeth.

A Silver Tooth Fillings Manhattan clinic provides quick and effective treatments for enhancing smiles and preserving the oral health. Visit for more details on dental bridges.

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