Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Get the Ticket to a Sparkling Smile Only at a Teeth Whitening Clinic in NYC

In a recent interview conducted by a dental clinic in New York City, 60% of the respondents agreed that a beautiful and sparkling smile is imperative for the overall personality. Walk in to the nearby supermarket and it is common to find the shelves inundated with numerous whitening products. However a professional tooth whitening procedure can provide optimal results in comparison to the various DIY (do it yourself) teeth whitening kits available commercially. Whitening has been one of the most famous procedures of cosmetic dentistry and show remarkable results in the matter of a single sitting. The advanced treatment procedure performed by a teeth whitening NYC dentist removes the discoloration and yellowing associated with the teeth.

The tooth may become porous due to the alterations of the mineral structure of the tooth over a period. The yellowing of teeth may occur due to certain types of foods, drinks that may contain large portions of caffeine and wine. Other lifestyle habits such as excessive smoking may cause the discoloration of the teeth due to the presence of tar. The staining of the enamel of the teeth is of two types, either intrinsic or extrinsic. Extrinsic stains are superficial stains that are on the outer surface of the enamel. Tooth whitening shows best results with extrinsic stains. Intrinsic stains on the other hand are deeply rooted. These are generally caused by the excessive use of fluoride that may present in the water or due to certain types of antibiotics such as tetracycline.

A teeth whitening NYC expert first does a thorough examination of the patient’s teeth in order to ascertain if he/she is fit for the whitening procedure. This involves an analysis of the tissue structure along with an x-ray in some cases. One of the most common ingredients used in most whitening procedures is hydrogen peroxide. The cosmetic dentist applies a protective cream on the gums and the papilla in order to prevent any possible damage to the gums. The overall procedure may take anywhere between 1-2 hours to get noticeable results. It is however imperative to understand that proper follow up care is require to get long lasting results from this procedure.

A teeth whitening NYC clinic could be your ticket to a beautiful and sparkling smile. Visit for further details.

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