Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Grooming up before your wedding day? Do something about those yellow mellow teeth!

There is no denying the fact that the wedding day is one of the most memorable days in anyone's life! Every little girl wishes of looking like a princess when she walks down the aisle and everyone applauds in awe, to her beauty and perfection! How is this for a dream spoiler? You walk down the aisle in your pearly white dress and gorgeous makeup, looking prim and proper and perfect, and then, you smile!, Your ugly teeth will make people gasp in horror, and your groom might not want to kiss you! Okay that may have gone a little overboard, but on a serious note, would you want to sport yellow, dirty teeth at your wedding?

Would you not rather prefer to have teeth matching your white and bright gown? Of course you would, and then make an effort for it. Pre-bridal procedures work on improving every aspect of your beauty, except one, your teeth! How do the beauticians forget that your 32whites are an asset to your face and they need to be groomed to perfection as well?

The simple solution to this is that you make a visit to a good Teeth Whitening Dentist. When you go for a general check-up, you will find out how good or how bad your oral position is and what they can do to make it better. These days cosmetic dentist studios and the new 'in thing' for people who want sparkling healthy teeth. The dentist shall check your teeth for cavities and other dental issues. You can undergo root canals, teeth whitening procedures, porcelain veneers, dental implants and so on, so that your teeth not only gleam and shine but are also in the best of health.

The dentist will suggest you techniques for taking the best care of your teeth and help you keep your smile healthy and beautiful for a long time. They are not even too costly so you don't need to worry about spending oodles before your wedding.

Your groom shall be dazzled with your pearly perfect smile on your 'D' day and will fall in love with you all over again. Even better, you and your man can both opt for these pre-wedding dental grooming sessions and bedazzle every guest at your reception party. What can be more perfect that couple with heavenly smiles on their faces, promising love and togetherness and warmth to each other for life!

Visit Dental Implants in NYC

Monday, 17 December 2012

Looking for a cosmetic dentist in NYC? Keep these 3 things in mind

Dental procedures are highly complex ones especially when you talk about teeth restoration and other cosmetic surgeries related to the dentistry. Although, you will be able to find many dental care specialists in New York, but can you trust these professionals for your smile makeover, certainly not!

Therefore, it becomes critical that the dental surgeon you are going to choose is skilled enough for carrying out these dental surgeries. Below mentioned things are going to help you in making a choice –
  1. Credentials held by the professional – The first and the foremost thing to look for in a dental care professional is the educational qualification held. There is a world of difference between the job of a regular dentist and a cosmetic dentist in NYC So, always look for a dentist who holds a certification in cosmetic dentistry techniques. Any dentist can claim to be a cosmetic dental professional, but do not believe in words of mouth, rather ask for something that can verify those claims. 
  2. Experience in the field – a new practitioner in the field can never match the knowledge and expertise of an experienced cosmetic dentist. As they say “Years of classroom teaching cannot beat a year’s worth of experience.” Considering this, you need to look for a cosmetic dentist who holds a good amount of experience in the field. Besides this, you would not want to be the guinea pig at the hands of someone who is still learning, even if you get the services at a cheaper price. Would you?
  3. Services offered – The field of cosmetic dentistry is vast as there are ‘n’ numbers of procedures that you can avail in order to give a complete makeover to your dentistry. It is always better to go to a cosmetic dentist who can offer different services (some of the most common ones being dental implants, crowns, veneers, teeth whitening procedures as well as dental fillings), as you might have to undergo more than one procedure to correct your teeth.
Finding a cosmetic dentist, who can satisfy the above mentioned criterions, can assure that you are with the best in the field so that you can get the perfect smile on your face. It might take some time to search such a medical professional, but the time spent is worth it. After all, the expertise of the dentist can be the difference between a normal and an amazing smile.

Dental Implants New York is the one stop shop where you can get all the dental procedures carried out.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

A brief introduction to amalgam tooth fillings in New York!

Dental filings and other related dental restoration procedures have been the greatest blessing that the field of Cosmetic Dentist Manhattan has brought forward. Although, dental fillings have been practiced by humans since ages, yet the recent technological advancements in the field have been incredible. Whether it is the improvement in the surgical procedures or the wide range of materials that have become available to be used as a filling material, everything has been revolutionary.

One of the most common procedure for which people visit a dentist in New York is to get dental fillings. And amalgam has been the preferred choice for the procedure as compared to other options, because of a number of reasons. What are those reasons, let us have a look:

What is amalgam?

The material is an alloy (a mixture of different metals) that is generally composed of silver, copper, mercury and tin. The mercury proportions usually the highest in the composition.

Although there has been a hullabaloo about the use of mercury in the mixture (as mercury has been known to have life threatening consequences on human health), and there have been a few questions raised about its used in the composite. But, no significant results have been obtained in the studies carried out so far that can confirm the harmful effect of mercury used in dental fillings.

The advantages -

The best thing about using amalgam in dental fillings is its bio compatibility (the property of being biologically compatible by not producing a toxic, injurious, or immunological response in living tissue).

Another thing that makes amalgam tooth fillings so beneficial is the fact that they are mechanically very strong and hence can bear the chewing loads for years with minimum wear and tear. This is the biggest reason behind the success of this material being the number one choice when it comes to restoring molar teeth.

Gum line restoration is difficult because it is really very difficult to keep the area dry. However, amalgam fillings have proved to be perfect for the task.

Although these benefits seem to be more than enough to make amalgam tooth fillings the number one choice of dentists in New York, but the question mark about the use of mercury in these fillings has led to a decline in the usage of amalgam as a restorative material.

FDA is carrying out the studies at a large scale to clarify all these doubts. We all have to wait and see what the future of amalgam fillings is going to be.

Cosmetic Dentistry NYC is dental clinic that specializes in cosmetic & implant dentistry.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Dental Crowns in NYC – What Options Do You Have in Your Hands?

Dental crowns in NYC have been employed as a restorative procedure, to get back the lost teeth, for the past so many years. However, over the past few decades, looking at the technological advancements, there has been a huge change in the field of cosmetic dentistry.

As compared to the past, better techniques are employed these days for dental procedures. Crowns can be permanent or temporary as per the need of the person. Not only that, even the material used in dental prosthetics has also seen a huge improvement. The option of material, to be used in dental crowning is not limited to just metals. Rather, there are many other materials that have proved to be much more beneficial. Let us have a look at these options:
  1. Metals & Alloys – metallic crowns have been a popular choice of dentists since a long time. The reason of these metallic implants being so popular is the fact that metal/alloys are not prone to wear & tear because of their physical strength. The negative point about metal crowns is their color. They are a perfect choice for molar & premolar which are generally not visible. Even in metals there are options like Aluminum, palladium & alloys made from Ni-Cr (Nickel -Chromium) or even stainless steel is also used.
  2. Resin – dental crowns made from resin are the closest to natural tooth when it comes to appearance. The benefits of resinous crowns, is the fact that they can expand & contract just like natural teeth. At the same time these can prove to be really cost effective as crowns made of resin cost way less than other types.
  3. Ceramic - Porcelain has emerged as a top choice, as a ceramic, for dental prosthesis, as crowns made from this material can be matched with the color of adjacent tooth. As compared to alloys, these are less strong & may get broken off in certain situations. However, when it comes to increasing the aesthetics, they are preferred over metallic crowns. These are the perfect option for people who have risks of metal allergies.
  4. Apart from the above mentioned choices, dentists have also used porcelain in combination with metals in this restorative procedure. All these options have their own pros and cons. Depending upon the requirements of patients, a Amalgam Tooth Fillings can select the suitable material to be used in the process, so as to bring back the lost smile on the patient's face.

    Cosmetic Dentistry NYC is a dental care facility that is renowned for delivering excellent services when it comes to complex dentistry procedures like dental implants, tooth filling & dental crowns, in NYC.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Everything you need to know about Root Canal Treatment in NYC

Dental problems are very common amongst people of all age groups. There are various dental procedures that can be undertaken in order to ensure good dental health. Of all these, root canal treatment is one of the most common reasons for a visit to dentists by the people of New York City.

Before we discuss anything further, have a look at everything that you would want to know about root canal treatment in NYC.

What is a root canal & what is Root Canal Treatment?
Anatomically, root canal is the space present within the root of a tooth. Within this space is included the main canal, pulp chamber and the interconnecting branches that connect the root canals of teeth to each other.

Root Canal Treatment is considered, technically, as an endodontic procedure ('endo' – inside and 'odont' tooth in Greek language).

Why? One question that rises here is why would anyone need to go for a root canal treatment? Well, the process is carried out in case there is a dental infection. There can be various causes for the infection like a crack or breakage in the tooth, decay and dental procedures which went wrong to name some. Under any of the above mentioned circumstances, there is a huge possibility that tooth might get damaged (due to infection in dental pulp) if no treatment is undertaken. To preserve the damaged teeth, the infected pulp must be removed and the dental canal is needed to be emptied.

How is root canal treatment helpful in getting rid of the infection?

As a part of this endothermic process, the dentist is going to completely get rid of the infected dental pulp in the root canal. Once the canal is emptied, internal cleaning of the teeth is carried out and the channel inside is filled by using cosmetic fillings. The fillings are left for some time, after which the clinician places dental crowns, as a part of the restoration process, and you will be able to get back your teeth in a healthy and as good as natural condition.
What are the aftermaths of this procedure?

A great deal of care is required after a surgical procedure as complex as a root canal treatment. After the treatment, the patients are advised to practice good oral hygiene that includes proper cleaning & brushing as well as regular dental checkups. The patients must also not chew by using the treated teeth until the teeth have been restored completely by the dentist, otherwise there is possibility of damage/ fracture to the teeth.

Amalgam Tooth Fillings in New York is a New York based dental care facility that offers the best dental procedures including dental filings, dental crowns, and root canal, in NYC to name a few.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Why is it important to find the most effective dental solutions?

Teeth are the most essential part of a person's facial features. Not just due to their obvious use, which is to facilitate in chewing food and breaking it into smaller particles, but also because of the beauty, perfection, and completion that they add to your facial structure. This makes it important for you to understand the need for maintaining basic oral hygiene measures in order to keep your mouth clean and healthy. The basics such as brushing twice a day and flossing after each meal are definitely very important and need to be followed by everyone.

However due to our unhealthy lifestyles and wrong eating habits, the basics are just not enough to care for your mouth. Your teeth can turn yellow and become unattractive. There might even be structural deformities or accidents that might be a reason for oddly shaped and bad looking teeth. This is where comes in need for a good cosmetic Dentists in New York, who can treat your teeth and make them perfect again.

As the name suggests, cosmetic dentists are the wonder weavers, which are concerned with the enhancement of the looks of one’s teeth. You need to understand that no matter how clean and healthy your teeth are, if they look bad, people will automatically assume that you are unhygienic, and too lazy to care for your oral health.

You need to go for regular dental checkups for the same and need to go for cosmetic treatments for the teeth to maintain their beauty and health for a long time. The cosmetic dentist offer a wide range of procedure such as porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, root canals, crowns and bridges and so on. They have it all one would require to restore the beauty and strength of their teeth.

It might be quite a task for you to find a trustworthy Cosmetic Dentist in NYC. This is because you shall be spoilt for choice and this rather tends to increase the probability of you choosing the wrong. This is why it is essential for one to choose such a cosmetic dentist that has ample experience in the field and can treat your problems in a moment. It is essential to opt for a certified dentist because you would not want to risk the safety of your teeth.

Since you have so many options available, there are doctors that can even give you good price offers for your cosmetic dental treatments, and you must choose wisely for the maximum benefit.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Cosmetic Dentistry in NYC – Restoring smiles on people’s face

Over the past few years, Cosmetic Dentistry procedures in NYC have become really popular amongst the people. The fact that teeth care is one of the most ignored aspects of physical health has led to the emergence of dental problems not only in the elderly people but younger age groups as well. In present times, a Cosmetic Dentist in NYC is regarded amongst the most in demand professionals.

There can be ‘n’ number of reasons for poor dental hygiene that can lead to damage to the physical health of teeth leading to permanent teeth loss. There were only limited options in the past to restore dental health. However, modern science has put forward a lot of new options in the field of cosmetic dentistry that can bring back the lost teeth.

Let us have a look at some of the wonders that cosmetic dentistry has brought for the mankind:
  1. Dental Implants - Nobody would have ever imagined that technology in the field of science would one day bring a permanent solution to restore broken tooth, but all this became a reality with the development of dental implants.
  2. Invisalign - Metallic braces were the only choice for people having crooked teeth. But with the invention of tools like Invisalign it became possible to correct the teeth alignment without having to face the pain and embarrassment of metallic braces. This modern health care product which is also called as invisible braces performs the function traditional braces without even getting noticed by others.
  3. Teeth Whitening- Yellowing of teeth is a highly embarrassing condition that can be due to a number of natural reasons as well as poor eating habits. However, now there is a solution for this problem as well. Teeth Whitening is a procedure that can bring back the sparkle in your smile which was missing because of the deteriorated color of teeth.
  4. Veneering – it is also a restorative procedure that is used to correct the shape of chipped or broken tooth. With the help of non hazardous artificial polymers, this procedure can restore the damage caused to teeth.
Cosmetic dentistry has emerged as a best friend for people who had to face the condition of teeth alignment, teeth loss or a poor texture & color of teeth. So if you are also facing any issue related to the appearance as well as health of your need get in touch with a cosmetic dentist and the smile back on your face.
Cosmetic Dentistry NYC is one place you must visit if you need to get any cosmetic dental procedure done.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

What Services Can A Cosmetic Dentist In NYC Offer?

A cosmetic dentist in NYC is a professional who can help you in getting the perfect smile on your face. With his surgical procedures, he can give your smile a complete makeover. Let us have a look at the services that a cosmetic dentist can offer:

  1. Dental implants: Dental implants are nothing else but a permanent alternative to dentures. Technically speaking these are biologically compatible artificial dental replacements that are made of metals, generally titanium. Dental implants serve the purpose of a root to the artificial tooth and hold it in its place in the jawbone. Dental implants are regarded as the most important breakthrough in the field of cosmetic dentistry. With the help of these implants, one can eventually get back his/her lost teeth without any problem.
  2. Tooth restoration: Dental crowns are used to restore the damaged tooth in the form of a cap that covers the damaged tooth. It not acts as a support to the damaged tooth, but at the same time helps in restoring the shape, look and alignment of the damaged tooth as well. Porcelain crowns are generally preferred because of the fact they match with the natural color of tooth; however, metals can also be used to make crowns.
  3. Invisalign: It is the latest sensation in the field of orthodontics, or in simple words the field of science that deals with the straightening of crooked or improperly aligned tooth. It is also called as invisible braces because of the fact that it involves the use of transparent looking teeth aligners, which serve as a replacement to the metallic braces. These are difficult to detect and hence have gained huge popularity amongst people who want get their teeth straightened without using those ugly looking metal brackets.
  4. Teeth whitening: In recent times, it emerged as the most popular dental procedure. In fact,cosmetic dentistry services in NYC have become more popular amongst people because of this. The fact that not only age but also poor food habits and smoking can result into yellowing of teeth has made people of younger age groups prone to yellowing of teeth. With the help of teeth whitening and bleaching, you can get back the lost color and shine of your natural teeth.
Although cosmetic dentistry is regarded more of a cosmetic procedure, but the fact is that it holds significant importance as medical procedure that can bring a change in people’s lives by giving them back their lost teeth and smile.
Cosmetic Dentistry NYC is one place where you can get complete dental care for you and your family.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

What Services Can A Cosmetic Dentist In NYC Offer?

A cosmetic dentist in NYC is a professional who can help you in getting the perfect smile on your face. With his surgical procedures, he can give your smile a complete makeover. Let us have a look at the services that a cosmetic dentist can offer:

1. Dental implants: Dental implants are nothing else but a permanent alternative to dentures. Technically speaking these are biologically compatible artificial dental replacements that are made of metals, generally titanium. Dental implants serve the purpose of a root to the artificial tooth and hold it in its place in the jawbone. Dental implants are regarded as the most important
breakthrough in the field of cosmetic dentistry. With the help of these implants, one can eventually get back his/her lost teeth without any problem.

2. Tooth restoration: Dental crowns are used to restore the damaged tooth in the form of a cap that covers the damaged tooth. It not acts as a support to the damaged tooth, but at the same time helps in restoring the shape, look and alignment of the damaged tooth as well. Porcelain crowns are generally preferred because of the fact they match with the natural color of tooth; however, metals can also be used to make crowns.

3. Invisalign: It is the latest sensation in the field of orthodontics, or in simple words the field of science that deals with the straightening of crooked or improperly aligned tooth. It is also called as invisible braces because of the fact that it involves the use of transparent looking teeth aligners, which serve as a replacement to the metallic braces. These are difficult to detect and hence have gained huge popularity amongst people who want get their teeth straightened without using those ugly looking metal brackets.

4. Teeth whitening: In recent times, it emerged as the most popular dental procedure. In fact,cosmetic dentistry services in NYC have become more popular amongst people because of thisThe fact that not only age but also poor food habits and smoking can result into yellowing of teeth has made people of younger age groups prone to yellowing of teeth. With the help of teeth whitening and bleaching, you can get back the lost color and shine of your natural teeth.
Although cosmetic dentistry is regarded more of a cosmetic procedure, but the fact is that it holds significant importance as medical procedure that can bring a change in people’s lives by giving them back their lost teeth and smile.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Everything About Cosmetic Dentistry In New York

Going to a dentist is the utmost fear for some people, much like my own self. I live in mortal fear of the dentist. It was only lately that this realization dawned upon me, when I had to undergo more than one dental treatment in a short period. No matter how painful and traumatic the experience was, there is no running away from the fact that teeth are of vital importance and you just cannot ignore them or put off taking care of them for a long time, because you will get rude reminders when you have nasty toothaches. Teeth are those 32 pearls that you need in sparking shine and health for lifetime. They have the most important function of cutting the food you eat into smaller and digestible particles.

On another level, teeth are very important for the personality of a person. The entire facial structure of a person depends largely on the color, make up and formation of the teeth. If that is not up to the mark, your smile will be a huge fail. These days there has been the rise of a new concept in dental care. Dentists and cosmetic dentists are two different phenomena these days and when one suffers from tooth health problems, they go to dentists. However, when it comes to improving or enhancing the appearance of teeth, one can trust the cosmetic dentists.

This is because they guarantee you not only glowing and healthy looking teeth, but also an entire personality change. A simple tooth scaling and teeth whitening session will give your smile and confidence, a positive boost.

Cosmetic dentistry in New York City provides a number of services such as porcelain veneers, crowing and bridging for the teeth, whitening, implants, prosthetics, and so on. They are smile weavers and will improve the beauty of your teeth, to make you look prettier than ever.

Finding a good dentist is not a problem anymore because there are many Root Canal Treatment in New York who are ready for working wonders with your teeth. They cannot only make you look pearly perfect but also enhance the inner strength and functionality of the teeth, making it even more worthwhile. You can find quality dentists at competitive price offers, and fix easy appointments with them due to the sort of competition that prevails, when it comes to cosmetic dentistry in New York City. It is a very convenient way to have a total make over, improve your personality and bestow upon yourself the courage to face a dentist, without fear, in order to have a pristine smile.

You can easily find a good dentist through searching on the internet, looking up local directories, and asking friends and family who might have gone through a dental treatment for guidance. This can help a person in finding the best option according to your needs and requirements.

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Frequently Asked Questions for Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures in NYC – Part II

This article is written in continuation with one written earlier, under the same title and the introduction.

New York City is the hub of cosmetic dentistry solutions, where millions of people are treated every day with prominent dental care treatments and cosmetic dentistry procedures. This innovative field of cosmetology has helped innumerable people to regain their youthfulness with beautiful and aesthetic smiles, which has actually made them the center of attraction in many public or private gatherings.

Whatever may be the problem, a tooth cavity or major tooth extraction, cosmetic dentistry NYC surgeons has offered their clients with all the successful dental procedures that may actually make them feel at their best to enjoy the healthy lifestyle and perfectly aligned teeth. However, there are few people in NYC, who still feel that undertaking such procedures might harm them in some way or the other.

Lets continue to answer the remaining questions related to cosmetic dentistry treatments and procedures:

Question: Which is the best procedure to fill the gap between two teeth?

Answer: Though there are several ways to do so, but the best ones are Dental Bonding/Porcelain Veneers/Orthodontic. All these procedures can be undertaken by consulting the doctor.

Question: In case of tooth filings, which is the best type?

Answer: On regular terms, silver and gold colored filling is used to fill the back teeth or tooth but these days dentists prefer to fill the tooth with porcelain material, which is strong and free from wear and tear.

Question: What can be done to the crowned teeth if it doesn't match with natural-looking teeth?

Answer: It happens mistakenly, then pay a visit to the skilled dentist, who may aesthetically matches it with the color of other teeth by increasing or decreasing resin material coverage on it.

Question: How to find a good cosmetic dentist in NYC?

Answer: The best source to find the good Mercury Tooth Fillings Manhattan dentist is through online surfing the American Society for Dental Aesthetics website in specific to location or area search.

Question: Do I really need cosmetic dentistry procedure?

Answer: See, It entirely depends on you, If you are suffering from some health ailment quite a long and couldn't treat it well, then it is a high time for you to undergo any of the cosmetic dentistry procedure.

Question: Does the cosmetic dentist offer any discount or financing option to get the dental treatments?

Answer: Yes! Following the line of treatment for right dental care, many of the cosmetic dentists based in NYC offer reasonable discounts to patient, who have to undergo expensive dental treatments like root canal, dental implant, dentures and so on. They even have EMI paying offer to ease the patient burden on the financial front.

Question: What if it is being paid by insurance company? Do they cover such health treatments?

Answer: It can be covered in the health insurance and you may be benefited up to $2500 to undertake the specified treatment for cosmetic dentistry. But thus is only valid on certain procedures only, for this you may need to consult your insurance provider beforehand.

The answers to the above questions may help you to understand the importance of dental treatments provided by a cosmetic dentistry NYC specialist to enjoy best dental health.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Create Your Dream Smile Easily with Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Dentistry is extremely different today, because, unlike before we can now choose the smile we desire and deserve.

According to different quotes, “You are not completely dressed unless you are wearing your smile.” However, what in case, you have broken or cracked teeth or unsightly stained teeth. This can certainly cause confidence issues. People are usually seen to make judgements about the person from his/her smile. An imperfect smile can break self-esteem, and in the long-run cause issues in the personal or professional life.

cosmetic dentist NYC (aesthetic dentistry) dentists can help improve you smile. A cosmetic dentist can make that minor fix that is preventing your smile from looking perfect, or he can perform a total transformation to provide you with the smile you always desired.

New Yorkers are actively seeking aesthetic dentistry help to achieve a scintillating smile that provides them with stunning looks and better confidence. There are many cosmetic options to transform your wholesome smile. Several of cosmetic dental treatments are inexpensive though some are on the higher side of cost. However, all these procedures are worth every penny spent on them.

People seem to be confused occasionally on selecting the right sort of cosmetic procedure for them. Following are some of the most popular cosmetic dental procedures:
Sapphire Teeth Whitening

In case, you feel conscious when you smile because of stained or yellow teeth, teeth whitening procedure is the flawless solution to lighten your teeth. Sapphire teeth whitening treatment gained popularity on ABC's Extreme Makeover show. New Yorkers often request Sapphire, because they want a dramatic change in tooth color and want swift results. The procedure takes an hour and whitens teeth up to eight shades.


Bonding is the form of smile sculpture achieved with a composite resin that enables patients with teeth imperfections to have teeth that are more beautiful. This procedure is used to close gaps, mask any discolorations, alter the shape or size of teeth, provide crooked or jumbled teeth an aligned appearance, and repair chips.

Porcelain Veneers
Veneers are slender shells of porcelain, which perfectly fit over the exterior surfaces of the teeth. They have an unbeatable ability to conceal unsightly stains completely. Veneers solve the dental problems like chips, discolorations, crooked teeth, gaps. However, they have an additional advantage of support and strength. They are relatively more durable than bonding and are maintenance free. If existing porcelain crowns have to be matched or dark stains need to be masked, veneers is the treatment of choice.

It utilizes a series of removable clear aligners, which are custom-moulded to fit-you. They are almost invisible and extremely comfortable, which align your teeth into a smile you love to flaunt. The invisalign system generally takes less than a year to deliver amazing results and works well for both adults and teens.

Log on to www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com to know more about cosmetic dental treatments. You can also contact cosmetic dentist NYC specialist, who can help you determine the procedure, which is suitable in transforming your smile.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Say No to ugly braces, turn to Invisalign from a professional cosmetic dentistry in NYC

Have you ever suffered from the trauma of unsightly braces to correct your misaligned teeth? If yes, then you are not alone as thousands of New Yorkers, every year, get their teeth fitted with braces. However, with the advent in the field of cosmetic dentistry, it is easy to align crooked teeth with the help of aligners also known as Invisalign. There are many who are not familiar with this cosmetic dentistry innovation.

In the section below, let us understand more about Invisalign and its uses with the help of a professional,

Understanding Invisalign: The best way to correct crooked teeth is with the help of Invisalign that is indiscernible in appearance. These clear aligners are customized to the need of the patient and are generally constructed out of a medical grade polymer. This painless alternative corrects teeth by moving it little by little until they achieve its correct position. The aligners are built and calibrated using 3-D technology and the candidate can track the course of healing easily on the computer. A cosmetic dentist NYC professional easily fits these aligners in a few appointments and you can learn to say goodbye to messy wires and braces.

Each aligner is usually worn for a few weeks and is then replaced by the next aligners in the series. These can also be conveniently removed when a person wants to eat, drink, brush and floss. The number of aligners used for a candidate may differ along with the treatment time. On an average treatment time may require anywhere from nine to fifteen months.

Advantages of using Invasalign

There are various advantages offered by this cosmetic dentistry procedure over traditional braces. Those using traditional braces always face the problem of collective movement of the teeth. This results in movement of even normal teeth that needs to be corrected later. Invisalign, on the other hand, provides specific treatment that only target crooked teeth that need to be moved to their correct position. Moreover, the treatment time and the number of appointments required are less compared to the conventional braces. Maintenance of traditional braces could be quite cumbersome as they are prone to trapped food and plaque. Invisalign, on the other hand, requires lesser care as they are easier to clean and are easy to remove.

Log on to www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com, to get an appointment to correct your uneven teeth call us or if you want to know more about the services and our team of experienced dentists.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Cosmetic Dentistry - You Do Not Have to Live with Less than a Bedazzling Smile

Highly conscious about your smile? Do you shy away from Saying Cheese when posing for a Camera? Do you always feel the need to cover your mouth when you laugh or smile in order to avoid embarrassment in public? This life is for once therefore, laugh to your heart’s content and flash a smile at every person you meet, do not know your smile may brighten up the other's person day.

When you feel self-conscious about your teeth because they are chipped, uneven or discolored, it is the time to take action, and cosmetic dentistry NYC (aesthetic dentistry) specialists can help. Aesthetic dentistry has gained pinnacle popularity in the recent years not only NYC, but across the world as well. New Yorkers are realizing that they no longer have to live with stained teeth, ugly silver mercury fillings, missing teeth and unsightly gaps.

Aesthetic dentistry is a facet of modern dentistry, which facilitates the dentists to conservatively restore your teeth back to their natural beauty and strength. It allows the dental surgeons to improve the appearance of smile by straightening crooked teeth, whitening stained teeth, closing gaps and lightening chipped and worn teeth for a more youthful, healthy and clean looking smile.

Top 3 Popular Treatments Offered by Cosmetic Dentistry Surgeons in NYC

Porcelain Veneers:

Veneers are slender shells that cosmetic dental surgeon bond to the exterior of your teeth for bedazzling results. They are extremely effective in veiling cracks and chips in the enamel, and they can correct misshapen or jagged teeth as well. In case, you have severely stained teeth that do not respond to teeth-whitening methods, porcelain veneers can whiten your teeth. It is no surprise that this treatment is a rage among the beauty-conscious New Yorkers, considering that the kinds of patients seeking veneers are the ones browsing for a bright, scintillating smile. Yet, whether in front of the classroom or in front of the camera, how you look can impact how you feel about yourself. For appearance and strength, their alikeness to healthy white tooth enamel is unexcelled by other restorative options.

Dental Implants:

Implants serves as artificial tooth roots. They are made of titanium cylinders and recommended by cosmetic dentistry NYC surgeons for a variety of functions. Depending on your condition and needs, implants can replace one or more teeth without affecting at all the adjacent teeth, and also provide support for a bridge removing the requirement for a removable, partial denture. They help your teeth function better like chewing, but overall enhance your facial appearance. IN turn your smile will look fabulous.

Teeth Whitening:

The most common causes of discoloration or staining of teeth are aging, caffeine and cigarettes. One of the wisest things you can do for your smile and teeth is to brighten them up! Teeth whitening procedure has taken off high in the last few decades. Teeth whitening comprises of a gamut of options like at-home beaching products, sapphire teeth whitening and in-house bleaching. Teeth whitening is not a permanent fix, but with immense improvements to your smile, the long-lasting effects prove to be advantageous and a positive experience. Know the confidence that comes with glowing pearly whites!

It takes advanced training and years of experience to be able to design and create natural looking smile. A cosmetic dentist NYC specialist must be able to blend science with artistry that suits the patient.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Cosmetic Dentistry Clinics in NYC - A Hub for Creating Dazzling Smiles!

Gone are the days when only elite class of New York City used to indulge in cosmetic dentistry treatments. Today, everybody wants to flaunt that beautiful smile which exudes confidence and poise. With the advancement of technology and cost effective treatments, all sections of the society in NYC are benefiting from this treatment. People are now resorting to cosmetic dentist NYC clinics to recapture that marvellous smile with perfect dental health.

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses every dental procedure, which improves the appearance of ones teeth and gums. It has two main specialties, Prosthodontics and Orthodontics. Prosthodontics includes diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the oral function, comfort, appearance and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with missing or deficient teeth or oral and maxillofacial tissues using biocompatible substitutes. Orthodontics, on the other hand, is concerned with the study and treatment of improper bites, which may be the result of tooth irregularity or disproportionate jaw structure.

When it comes to New York, the city which oozes positive energy and liveliness has best facilities and advance technology for cosmetic dentistry treatments. The options offered under cosmetic dentistry could range from teeth whitening, bonding, use of braces both regular and Invisalign, tooth contouring and so on. A skilled dentist in a cosmetic dentistry NYC clinic could gift you a beautiful smile using various dental implants, composite or porcelain veneers, bridges, crowns, etc.

The added confidence that a winning smile gives speak about the advantages of cosmetic dentistry. In a competitive world, where looking good is considered as important as being intelligent, it makes good sense to employ every advantage at your disposal to achieve the best results. New York, besides many other places has a good number of people choosing cosmetic dentistry option to enhance their looks. Any dentist certified by the American Dental Association would do a competent job of cosmetic dentistry in New York.

As cosmetic dentistry offers the option of correcting any dental defect that may be overshadowing ones appearance, cosmetic dentistry has many takers. A cosmetic dentistry NYC specialist uses procedures such as porcelain or composite veneers and invisible braces to enhance appearance; the phobia attached with a visit to the dentist is fast disappearing. It would not be easy to spot a person who has undergone a cosmetic dentistry treatment thereby further increasing the positive points in favor of cosmetic dentistry.

Little do we realize the importance of our teeth till the time they are in perfect condition and the smile looks good. It's only when the problems crop up in form of deformity or painful toothaches do we press the panic button.

Although, cosmetic dentist NYCspecialist is always an option for correcting any tooth related problems, it is advisable to maintain some basic care with regard to ones teeth. One should visit a dentist at least twice a year and maintain a regular oral care routine to preserve that lovely smile, which is nature’s one of the most precious gifts of beauty to mankind.To Know more visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com/

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Making the Right Choice of a Cosmetic Dentist Clinic in NYC is Important

It does not matter whether you are living in New York City or not, but yes there are several reasons as why one should choose the best surgeons in the city for cosmetic dentistry. Everybody knows that the city of New York is one of the most advanced and happening city of United States of America and renowned clinics in the city has state of the art equipments for cosmetic dentistry treatments.

There are a numerous cosmetic dentists in the city, which are certified and well known across the world for their cosmetic treatments. Therefore, this makes it easier to make a right choice for a cosmetic dentist NYC clinic that has the right professional experience and knowledge of all the latest dental techniques.

In order to find a cosmetic dentist, one should follow some simple tips that can help the dentist to provide the desired results. It can be sometimes a tedious task and will require the best efforts in order to find an ideal cosmetic dentist. One can have personal interaction with the friends and family members about the dentist or take the help of internet (one of the most reliable sources now). There are various websites where the reviews of the patients have been posted and their experiences, both good and worse, which can certainly help in making a right choice.

There is no harm or rather one should crosscheck the professional qualifications and certifications of the surgeon of a Cosmetic Dentist NYC clinic. After doing this important activity, ask the dentist about the duration and the cost of the treatment. There are some people who do not care about asking these things, but little did they know that these some of the important things that they should ask, before starting the treatment.

Have a personal interaction with the dentist and be a better judge. During the interaction, one can actually figure out whether he is capable of providing the desired results or not. On the dentist part, it is very important that he develops a healthy relationship with the patient; this will surely make things easier for both the patient and the dentist. The patient will narrate his/her ailments more freely and the dentist will be in a good position to assist the patient after listening to their ailments in detail.

Well, in the end it can be said that our physical appearance is very important for our personality largely. This is the reason that our smile and teeth has to be in a perfect condition and this is where the dental experts at cosmetic dentist NYC clinics play an important role in our lives.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Factors to Consider for Finding the Right Cosmetic Dentist in NYC

New York is the known to be the hub of most qualified and experienced cosmetic dentists. While it is a boon, that New York has such a wide plethora of cosmetic dental surgeons; it can become a curse since it is really a daunting task to find the one, who is right for your cosmetic dental requirements in all ways.

Listed below are some factors that must be considered to find the right cosmetic dentist NYC clinic:

Obtaining Referrals:

Your general dentist’s recommendation is a chief consideration. In case, you have been receiving regular oral hygiene check-ups, your general dentist has a clear picture of the present status and condition of your mouth.

In case, your dentist finds that your gums, teeth, occlusion and bone structure is in need of further assessment before undergoing cosmetic dentistry, he may refer you to an endodontist, periodontist or orthodontist. The current condition of your gums, teeth, occlusion and supporting bone structure has a gigantic impact on the success rate and longevity of cosmetic dentistry procedures. You may need treatment for these conditions before cosmetic treatment starts.

In addition, you may ask your friends, family members, colleagues and neighbours who have undergone cosmetic dental procedures whom they would recommend.

Narrowing Down Your Cosmetic Dentist Choices: 

It is imperative to do your homework and probe the level of cosmetic dentistry experience for each cosmetic dental surgeon you are considering prior to setting up an appointment. You can ask if the dentist is skilled in rendering full mouth reconstruction or if he refers patients to some other specialist in case such treatments are required. Moreover, you can ask if the dentist is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, which entails adherences to rigorous training, certifications and ethical standards in order to qualify as an accredited member.

Other factors to pay heed to for determining if the cosmetic dentist NYC clinic is right one for you include:

How long has the dental surgeon been practicing?
Are the results shown in the before and after pictures of previous patients to your liking?

How extensive is the dentist’s practice? What dental technologies (CAD/CAM restoration, lasers, intraoral imaging, caries detection devices, etc) are utilized in the practice that may help serve your cosmetic dental needs?

What to Expect at your First Consultation: 

Your initial consultation with a cosmetic dental practitioner is an opportunity for you to know more about the practice that you have narrowed down your hunt to and discuss what you like and do not like about your smile. Moreover, it is an opportunity for you and the dentist to establish realistic expectations for your dental procedure.

Consideration for the Initial Consultation: 

Cosmetic dental treatments results may differ and are dependent on the expertise of your cosmetic dental surgeon. Finding a qualified cosmetic dental surgeon hence demands careful consideration, even during the consultation stages of the treatment.

During your consultation, make note of how you feel about the practice’s ambience. See whether you are comfortable with the dentist’s chair-side manner. Are the staff members qualified, amiable, welcoming and fast to address your concerns? Since cosmetic dentistry procedures can take time, it is essential to establish good rapport with all people involved.

When looking for a cosmetic dentist NYC clinic, you must consider the above-mentioned factors carefully. Do not be in a hurry to zero in on a dentist. Take time to inquire about the cosmetic dental practitioners so that you could choose the right one.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Suffering from Dental Problems, Visit a Cosmetic Dentistry Clinic in NYC to get rid of it

For the past few months, I was experiencing pain in the back of my teeth, but like a common person, I kept on ignoring it. However, yesterday the pain became unbearable and I immediately consulted one of my friends, Keith, whose father is a dentist in New York City, he suggested me to see a cosmetic dentist immediately. As I am living in Chicago, he suggested me to see a Cosmetic Dentistry NYC specialist for which I gave instant affirmation.

Without any further delay, I booked my ticket for New York, while I was in the plane I was a bit nervous but at the same I was excited, as I would get to meet my aunt, who is working as a nurse in New York Methodist Hospital. I visited one of the famous hospitals in New York, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine, where I had an appointment with one of the finest dentists in New York City. I reached the hospital in the morning and the dentist reviewed my status and gave me medication to ease the pain, which did wonders for me. The whole staff at the hospital was so nice and cooperative; during the lunch hour, my dentist sat with me and told me the reason of the rising importance of cosmetic dentistry across the world.

He started by saying that I have a beautiful smile and the reason is that I have healthy teeth. He added that with the help of advanced methods and equipments, Cosmetic Dentistry NYC clinics is a unanimous choice for most of the people suffering from dental problems. He said gone are the days when we suggest using braces in order to have a better alignment of the teeth. Now, with the advancement in the medical field, the physicians can provide better treatment using painless methods. There are various procedures for cosmetic surgery available, which are efficient in removing various dental problems.

New York has the best dental surgeons and physicians as compared to other parts of the world and it is growing as a popular city for medical tourism as well. The physician narrated me that most of the people choose this city, as the treatment is economical; according to him; this is the main factor that draws people from different parts of the world. Being one of the most efficient methods of striking a balance between teeth’s original size and shape, more and more people are choosing this option and people come from different parts of the world to make the most of this method.

I am glad that I chose Cosmetic Dentistry NYC surgeon for my dental problem and gave a thousand reasons to smile once again.

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Hidden Aspects of Dental Implants, Know them before you Visit a Dental Clinic in NYC

How will you feel if your teenaged son comes back home with a broken tooth or teeth? It can be a disheartening situation for a kid as well as the parent. The teenage years are one of the most crucial years of a teen’s life, a phase in which they are finicky about their external appearances. Hence, a missing tooth in such a situation may sound de-motivating. However, parents can now breathe a sigh of relief with the services rendered by various cosmetic dentistry clinics in the city of New York. A dental implants NYC specialist can easily take care of missing teeth with the help of implants. In the section below, we have briefly discussed some lesser-known aspects of dental implants.
How were dental implants discovered?
One of the earliest evidence shown of dental implants is that of Mayans civilization. The Mayans used to embed the implants into the bone with the implants being generally made out of shells. The first attempt to create the modern day implants was made in the 1950’s at the Cambridge University of England. To study the flow of blood with a chamber of titanium that was then tried to be embedded in the bone of the rabbit. It was in the year 1952 that an orthopedic surgeon from Sweden P Branemark accidently discovered dental implants. This was while he was studying about healing and regeneration in the rabbit’s ear. It was then he found that titanium was a suitable material as it was well tolerated by the tissue of the mouth. Today dental implants of are of different types and produced with either tapered ends or parallel sides.
Who can make use of implantation surgery?
A dental implants NYC surgeon recommends this procedure to people with tooth loss that may have occurred due to root canal failure, tooth decay, gum disease, congenital defects and trauma to the mouth. During the initial consultation, the specialist will check whether it is the suitable procedure for the candidate. This is because implantation procedure cannot take place until the bone structure has developed and the individual is above adolescence.
Are there any risks associated with dental implants?
It has been observed that in most cases, the failure of dental implants takes place due to the integration process. If the implant is not placed correctly, it does not integrate itself and may break at site. In other cases, there may be onset of infection. In cases of improper oral care, peri-implantititis may take place, which is a severe gum disease. Therefore, to find out the appropriateness of this procedure, it is important to seek advice from a dental implants NYC expert.
To Know more about Visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com/

Monday, 30 April 2012

What makes cosmetic dentistry a favorite option in NYC?

“The world always looks brighter from behind a smile,” says a quote by an anonymous person. Ask New Yorkers the secret behind their sunshine smiles and it is cosmetic surgery. A Cosmetic Dentistry NYC professional helps to beautify smiles with various procedures that also make teeth healthier. It is easy for any individual to have a smile makeover with the help of these treatments.
In the section below, let us understand the advantages offered by cosmetic dentistry that has led to its increased demand.
1. It could be a discomforting situation to have gaped, misaligned and missing teeth. There are different procedures offered by cosmetic dentistry that helps to fix deformities that affect the functioning of the teeth. It helps to provide a corrected set of teeth that can help to bring about a visible change in the face of a person. Any damage causes t the teeth due to various reasons such as trauma, ethnicity, illness and developmental issues are easily corrected with the help of cosmetic dentistry. For instance, dental implants are used to replace missing teeth, veneers are used in case of chipping and porcelain crowns are used instead of amalgams.
2. In a recent survey, it has been found that dental candidates have reported an increase in their self-confidence after various dental procedures. Various conditions such as missing teeth can be a traumatic situation in today’s appearance obsessed society hence leading to loss of self-esteem.
3. A smile is an imperative part of an individual’s personality. Cosmetic surgery helps to improve the smile of a person aesthetically. Our teeth can get affected by years of improper care and wrong lifestyle habits. Different procedures such as veneers, whitening, crowns, bonding, braces and mercury free bonding help an individual to achieve the perfect set of teeth.
4. Cosmetic dentistry is a better in comparison to traditional dentistry as it helps to deliver prompt results. Gone are the days when dental procedures required numerous sittings with the dentists. A cosmetic dentistry NYC specialist provides treatments that require just a couple of sittings. Extensive treatments such as dental implants may require 3 to 4 sittings where as procedures such as teeth whitening is done in a few minutes. Hence, a candidate can have sparkling teeth in no time at all.
5. In the past, many dental solutions proved to be cumbersome and required a great amount of maintenance. Dental treatments were accompanied with cleaning foams, messy creams, adhesive tapes and overnight soakings for cleaning. This has been done away with the help of cosmetic dentistry so an individual has to waste no time on the maintenance.

Friday, 20 April 2012

All about Teeth whitening and the benefits of getting it done by a Cosmetic Dentist

Walk in to any supermarket in the city of New York and you will have shelves cluttered with all types of teeth whitening products. New Yorkers are realizing the importance of a healthy and beautiful smile, so it comes as no surprise when the flock to various cosmetic dentistry clinics. The teeth whitening treatment at a Cosmetic Dentist NYC clinic can result in sparkling teeth in a matter of few minutes.

There are three different types of teeth whitening alternatives available for those looking for teeth whitening services. Some may try natural alternatives such as certain types of foods like apples or carrots to make their teeth whiter. Others may try out in house whitening systems that could be in the form of whitening strips, pens and whitening trays. In addition to these, the third types of whitening services available are those of professionals available at cosmetic dentistry clinics.

There has been a lot of speculation about whether those looking for tooth whitening should use DIY kits or seek professional help from a cosmetic dentist NYC clinic. There are various reasons why professional teeth whitening services have an edge over other types of whitening services; these have been elaborated below-

1. It is done by experts – One of the biggest advantages offered by professional teeth whitening services is the professional expertise. The state of art equipment and the clinical expertise of the cosmetic dentist ensure best results. The safe involved guaranteed by this method puts a patient mind to rest. The dentists and assistants at most cosmetic dentistry clinics offer the highest quality of whitening treatments.

2. Quality is maintained – Professional whitening system involve quality, which means no more shabby results of home whitening kits. A special mould is constructed which is filled with gel that should cover most parts of the teeth.

3. Faster results – It takes a matter of fifteen minutes to an hour in order to get the desired results with the help of professional whitening systems that are readily available all across the New York City. The powerful chemicals of these systems ensure that faster results are achieved in comparison to other home based whitening systems. The total treatment time is lesser which means that it takes just a single sitting at the Cosmetic Dentist NYC clinic in order to show results.

4. Painless- The use of professional whitening systems has the advantage of being practically painless. Even those with teeth that are sensitive to hot and cold sensations can easily undergo this form of whitening in order to make their teeth lighter.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Dental Implants - The Most Trusted Procedure in NYC to Restore Missing Teeth

Do you remember that excitement of losing tooth for the first time and keeping your tooth safely under your pillow for “tooth fairy” to take it away? It was probably a celebration thing at that time. However, for a New Yorker, losing an adult tooth can be an embarrassing thing. In case you have lost one or more tooth, you know how awfully overwhelming it can be. The one thing you would never want from your life would be to see all your teeth sitting in a glass on the side table when you go to sleep.

Here is some great news- Dental Implants NYC surgeons can undeniably provide you with a miracle second chance. Missing or lost tooth wipe out quality of life, but you do not have to live anymore with an incomplete and less than perfect smile. Restore full dental function with teeth implants: eat roasted beef, caramel apples, corn on the cob and laugh aloud with confidence.

Dental Implants NYC experts render a Sturdy, Beautiful and Flawless Alternative to Partial or Full Dentures and Bridges. Implants are artificial tooth roots made of titanium that support a restoration for a lost tooth or teeth, helping to halt or avoid jawbone loss. The implant procedure is categorized as a type of prosthetic dentistry, but is considered a type of cosmetic dentistry as well.

By replacing lost tooth roots, teeth implants provide you with stability and strength needed to eat all the foods you love, without struggling to chew. Moreover, implants maintain and stimulate jawbone, averting bone loss and helping to maintain facial structure.

Consult a Reliable Cosmetic Dentist to Avail a Complete Smile Curve:
To determine whether implants are right for you or not, a consultation with a reputable cosmetic dentist, periodontist and oral surgeon is required. During the consultation, your dentist will properly examine your teeth and gums. He will also evaluate your bone density. This may involve Ct scans and X-rays to make sure there is adequate bone structure for inserting the implants and to ascertain precisely where the implant must be placed. Based on the condition of your dental tissues, personal habits and oral hygiene, your cosmetic dentist will recommend you the most appropriate teeth implant treatment plan.

Dental Implant Placement Procedure:
Modern teeth implant replacements are virtually identical from other teeth. This appearance is aided in aspect by the functional and structural connection between the implant and the living bone. Implants are generally placed in a single sitting, but they need a period of osseointegration.

Preparing the Jaw for Teeth Implant:
An implant restoration is commonly made of titanium material screw and a crown. A small-diameter incision is drilled at edentulous jaw sites to guide the titanium screw, which holds a tooth implant in place.

Placement of the Teeth Implants:
After the initial pilot incision has been drilled into the accurate jaw site, it is slowly widened to facilitate insertion of the implant screw. Once positioned in place, adjoining gum tissue is secured over the tooth implant and a protective cover screw is positioned on top to facilitate the site to heal and osseointegration to take place. After about 6-months of healing, your dental implants NYC specialist will unveil the implant and affix an abutment over the implant. After placing the abutment, your dentist will create a temporary crown. Temporary crown serves as a template around which gum develops and shapes itself in a natural way. The implant process is complete when the temporary crown is restored with a permanent crown.

Longevity and Success Rate:
The data generated worldwide reveals that 95% of implants can be expected to last for a period of 15 years and predictions are that 90% of implants must last a lifetime in correct conditions.

Whitening of Teeth is Now Easier with Cosmetic Dentistry NYC

An attractive smile can be definitive for an individual, with studies conducted by American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry NYC(AACD) showing better employment opportunities, higher salaries and enhanced impressions. Cosmetic dentistry has created a revolution in the field of dentistry, lending visible results in a short span of time; one of the most widely demanded procedures is tooth bleaching. procedures are performed at affordable prices, helping many to realize their dream of a perfect smile.

The advantages of tooth whitening or tooth bleaching have been discussed in the following paragraphs -

What is Tooth bleaching or whitening?
There can be many reasons due to which teeth can become discolored and stained yellow, age and genetics can be the deciding factors of the changing color. Along with these reasons such as smoking, bad oral hygiene, drinking excessive tea or coffee, antibiotics and bacterial pigments can stain the teeth in shades of yellow .Procedures such as bleaching with the help of strips, gels, lasers and denture cleaners are the most widely preferred techniques of lightening the teeth.

What are the various methods of tooth whitening?
There are various types of bleaching procedures which can be performed either in home or by an efficient cosmetic dentists, these are
Over the counter-These are non dental procedures which are performed at home by gels, rinses, tooth pastes and chewing gums.
Gel Bleaching-This involves high concentration and low concentration gels, high concentration gels are generally handled by dentists who perform this without any harm like chemical burns to the gums or the soft tissues.
Light accelerated bleaching-This type of bleaching also termed as LASER can be performed using light accelerated sources such as LED, halogen and plasma arcs. Halogen along with a hydrogen peroxide solution (strength of 25% to 35%) produces the best results in comparison to the others.

What are the risks involved in tooth bleaching?
Tooth whitening procedures although relatively safe can have various drawbacks such as chemical burns of soft tissues, over bleaching and even an increased sensitivity towards hot and cold substances.

Tooth whitening is a great form of cosmetic dentistry NYC procedure that can work wonders for achieving a smile at affordable costs through the revolutionary sapphire whitening procedure.

There are many dental treatments performed under Cosmetic Dentistry NYC services, for more information please visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com/.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

A Cosmetic Dentist in New York City Can Create Brighter and Healthier Smiles

Are you tired of hiding your teeth and smile from others? Do you wish that may be you could do something about your cracked, discoloured or missing teeth?

Search no longer! Luckily for New Yorkers, there are numerous highly experienced, qualified and reliable cosmetic dentists, who can help you get the smile you not only wish, but worthy of. Following are some of the most popular services provided by a cosmetic dentist NYC clinic:

Porcelain Veneers: Porcelain veneers are slender shells that bond to the tooth’s exterior for beautiful results. Veneers are long lasting and they are made of highly durable, translucent material with texture identical to tooth enamel. They are not vulnerable to decay and resist heavy staining, so even as time movers on, your new smile remains intact, seamlessly.

Dental Bonding: Dental bonding is one of the most sought after cosmetic dental procedure in New York City. It is regarded as a direct method towards attaining a picture-perfect smile. Bonding is a procedure for restoring the natural appearance of teeth like cover spots, discolorations, chips and correcting gaps. The dental practitioner will gently etch the tooth surface and apply a bonding liquid. A plastic resin is then applied and moulded into the desired shape. Bonding is generally completed in a single visit and can considerably change the appearance of your teeth and smile.

Dental Bridges: Dental bridges are one of the popular cosmetic dentistry procedures. It is recommended to people who lost a single tooth or multiple teeth, owing to trauma, genetics, aging, bad root canal or accidents. Note that there are various kinds of dental bridges, from conventional to bonding and cantilever bridges.

Dental Implants: Implants acts like artificial tooth roots. They are usually made of pure titanium cylinders, and recommended by cosmetic dental practitioners for a gamut of functions. Depending on your oral condition and needs, implants can replace one or several teeth without affecting adjoining teeth and provide strong support for a bridge, alleviating the need for detachable, partial dentures.

Dental Implants not only help improve the teeth function, like chewing, but also overall boost your facial looks. In turn, you smile will look sizzling! In a Cosmetic dentist NYC clinic, the suitable candidates for implants are those with healthy gum tissue, adequate underlying bone density, free from gum disease and good dental health.

Teeth Whitening: Teeth whitening have taken off in the last few decades, with cosmetic dental practitioners at the forefront of its popularity in New York. The most common causes of teeth discoloration are aging, caffeine and cigarettes. Teeth whitening involve a wide array of alternatives, like laser whitening, in-house bleaching and at-home bleaching kits. During your initial consultation, your cosmetic dental practitioner will address your concerns and you can ask him any questions you may have. Whitening is not a permanent fix; however, with magnanimous improvements to you smile, the long-lasting effects prove to be a great and beneficial experience.

These are some of the services provided at a cosmetic dentist NYC clinic to help you achieve your dream smile. A Picture Perfect Smile.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Whitening of Teeth is Now Easier with Cosmetic Dentistry NYC

An attractive smile can be definitive for an individual, with studies conducted by American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) showing better employment opportunities, higher salaries and enhanced impressions. Cosmetic dentistry has created a revolution in the field of dentistry, lending visible results in a short span of time; one of the most widely demanded procedures is tooth bleaching. cosmetic dentistry NYC procedures are performed at affordable prices, helping many to realize their dream of a perfect smile.

The advantages of tooth whitening or tooth bleaching have been discussed in the following paragraphs -

What is Tooth bleaching or whitening?
There can be many reasons due to which teeth can become discolored and stained yellow, age and genetics can be the deciding factors of the changing color. Along with these reasons such as smoking, bad oral hygiene, drinking excessive tea or coffee, antibiotics and bacterial pigments can stain the teeth in shades of yellow .Procedures such as bleaching with the help of strips, gels, lasers and denture cleaners are the most widely preferred techniques of lightening the teeth.

What are the various methods of tooth whitening?
There are various types of bleaching procedures which can be performed either in home or by an efficient cosmetic dentists, these are
Over the counter-These are non dental procedures which are performed at home by gels, rinses, tooth pastes and chewing gums.
Gel Bleaching-This involves high concentration and low concentration gels, high concentration gels are generally handled by dentists who perform this without any harm like chemical burns to the gums or the soft tissues.
Light accelerated bleaching-This type of bleaching also termed as LASER can be performed using light accelerated sources such as LED, halogen and plasma arcs. Halogen along with a hydrogen peroxide solution (strength of 25% to 35%) produces the best results in comparison to the others.

What are the risks involved in tooth bleaching?
Tooth whitening procedures although relatively safe can have various drawbacks such as chemical burns of soft tissues, over bleaching and even an increased sensitivity towards hot and cold substances.

Tooth whitening is a great form of cosmetic dentistry NYC procedure that can work wonders for achieving a smile at affordable costs through the revolutionary sapphire whitening procedure.

There are many dental treatments performed under cosmetic dentistry NYC services, for more information please visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry

Friday, 2 March 2012

Missing Teeth - a Cosmetic Dentistry NYC Professional can help with Bridges & Crowns

The dazzling life of New York demands a certain standard of socializing and a captivating smile is an integral component of an attractive personality that also reflects good oral hygiene practices. Every year, thousands of New Yorkers seek the help of CosmeticDentistry NYC professionals to rectify their dental issues and get that perfect smiles on their faces.

It is usual that one loses teeth because of year’s continuous use, ignorance to minor dental problems, negligence to oral hygiene or because of a freaky accident, which can lead to reluctant smiles and a lower self-confidence. Dental Bridges are a widely used cosmetic dentistry procedure to fill up missing teeth spaces and are preferred by many New Yorkers. Let us review the important facts about this tooth replacement procedure.

Dental Bridges -

Dental bridges are dental restorations for missing tooth that permanently adhere to neighboring dental implants or teeth. This prosthetic tooth is fused between two crowns, which are fitted on adjacent teeth forming a bridge like structure. The components of a dental bridge includes -

1. A false tooth made up of different types of materials such as alloys, porcelain or a combination of metals.

2. Two crowns which helps to anchor the false tooth in place.

Need of Dental Bridges -

Dental bridges are sometimes used for purely cosmetic reasons for improving smiles and overall appearance. A missing tooth results in undue pressure on its neighboring teeth that may cause inclination towards the gap and may alter the bite patterns. The gap may be a safe haven for bacteria, as food may accumulate in it resulting in decay and mouth odor.

Dental Bridges fitted by a Cosmetic Dentist -

Dental bridges can be easily fitted by a Cosmetic Dentistry NYC professional in just a couple of appointments and last up to 15 years with proper maintenance and good oral hygiene.

The dental procedure includes -

In First appointment - With the injection of anesthesia, the teeth neighboring the gap are trimmed for fixing the new crown. A dental impression is taken with the help of dental putty and a temporary bridge is fitted to protect the gum and trimmed teeth.

In Second appointment - After removing the temporary bridge, the customized bridge is checked for fit and bites. If it fits perfect, it is permanently cemented with dental sealant or left to be correctly fitted with a temporary sealant.

A good dental hygiene, regular brushing and flossing can make dental bridges last for years; providing comfort to overcome the trauma of missing teeth. With the increasing awareness about the importance of healthy and beautiful teeth, many New Yorkers are seeking the benefits of cosmetic dentistry procedures for lasting smiles.

A Cosmetic Dentistry NYC procedure can help to solve many issues related to teeth, visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com/ for knowing these procedures in NYC and to book an appointment with the dentist.

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The Evolution & Modernization of Dental Implants – in the Words of a Dentist from NYC

It is quite common to find New Yorkers heading to their neighborhood cosmetic dentistry clinic in order to fix their dental flaws. With the growing emphasis on perfect smiles in the society, cosmetic dentistry procedures are in great demand. Missing teeth are one of the most embarrassing dental flaws that can seriously affect the self-confidence of an individual. A dental implants NYCclinic provides solutions for those with missing teeth. However, the dental implants that are used today have a long history behind them.

The section below helps to shed light on the various evolutionary stages of dental implants.

Prehistoric times – Dental implants have a history that dates back to prehistoric time of the Mayans and Egyptians. Implants embedded in the bone were used thousands of years before its discovery by a Swedish scientist. Mayans made used of shell pieces as dental implants to replace the missing teeth.

Modern Dentistry – In the fifties, workers at Cambridge University found that titanium chambers they embedded in the ear tissue of the rabbit could not be recovered. The discovery of Titanium implants was an accident involving Swedish professor Per-Ingvar BrÃ¥nemark. The professor found that the titanium microscopes he was sing for research has been anchored to the bone. This made their discovery impossible. This discovery challenged the contemporary scientific theory and eventually Dr Branemark showed that the titanium could be integrated in the living bone, which can easily tolerate it. This discovery led to the introduction of titanium roots in the sixties. Over the span of the next decade professor Branemark studied implants extensively and eventually entered in to a partnership with a Swedish company called Bofors AB.

Dental implants today – Dental implants today have a futuristic design and replace missing teeth in a matter of a few sittings. Various tests such as CT scans and CAD/CAM tests are performed prior to the implantation procedure to ascertain if it is appropriate for the candidate. A dental implants NYC specialist uses precision and expertise to drill the titanium roots with the minimum levels of discomfort. After the root has been accepted by the gum tissue, it is capped using a dental crown. Most of these ossointegration techniques yield aesthetic results for the patients.

A dental implants NYC specialist is the perfect answer for those facing the trauma of missing teeth. Visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com/ for further details.

Get the Ticket to a Sparkling Smile Only at a Teeth Whitening Clinic in NYC

In a recent interview conducted by a dental clinic in New York City, 60% of the respondents agreed that a beautiful and sparkling smile is imperative for the overall personality. Walk in to the nearby supermarket and it is common to find the shelves inundated with numerous whitening products. However a professional tooth whitening procedure can provide optimal results in comparison to the various DIY (do it yourself) teeth whitening kits available commercially. Whitening has been one of the most famous procedures of cosmetic dentistry and show remarkable results in the matter of a single sitting. The advanced treatment procedure performed by a teeth whitening NYC dentist removes the discoloration and yellowing associated with the teeth.

The tooth may become porous due to the alterations of the mineral structure of the tooth over a period. The yellowing of teeth may occur due to certain types of foods, drinks that may contain large portions of caffeine and wine. Other lifestyle habits such as excessive smoking may cause the discoloration of the teeth due to the presence of tar. The staining of the enamel of the teeth is of two types, either intrinsic or extrinsic. Extrinsic stains are superficial stains that are on the outer surface of the enamel. Tooth whitening shows best results with extrinsic stains. Intrinsic stains on the other hand are deeply rooted. These are generally caused by the excessive use of fluoride that may present in the water or due to certain types of antibiotics such as tetracycline.

A teeth whitening NYC expert first does a thorough examination of the patient’s teeth in order to ascertain if he/she is fit for the whitening procedure. This involves an analysis of the tissue structure along with an x-ray in some cases. One of the most common ingredients used in most whitening procedures is hydrogen peroxide. The cosmetic dentist applies a protective cream on the gums and the papilla in order to prevent any possible damage to the gums. The overall procedure may take anywhere between 1-2 hours to get noticeable results. It is however imperative to understand that proper follow up care is require to get long lasting results from this procedure.

A teeth whitening NYC clinic could be your ticket to a beautiful and sparkling smile. Visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com/ for further details.

Monday, 27 February 2012

What all you wanted to know about the Dental Implants Procedure in NYC is Right Here!

“I used to hate going out in the public from the fear of my missing teeth, I even missed my high school prom but dental implants changed my life for the better. I am more confident and have more control over my life,” said Susan Parker, a candidate of dental implants in a recent convention of Cosmetic dentistry in a New York clinic.

A dental implants NYCspecialist is the perfect answer for those who lost their teeth and left believing in tooth fairies. An implant is a prosthetic tooth for a missing tooth that helps to align the jaw better and overcome the trauma related to a missing tooth.

In the section below, a dental implants NYC surgeon talks about the various aspects of the implantation procedure for missing teeth –

1. Tooth decay may happen due to various reasons that may include decay, root canal failure, gum disease, trauma, congenital defects and general wear/tear.

2. This procedure starts with a candid discussion with a cosmetic surgeon with an expertise in periodontal care. The dentist assesses if the individual is an ideal candidate in order to undergo the implantation process.

3. X-rays and computer tomography tests are done in order to assess if the candidate has a good bone structure for drilling in the implants.

4. In some cases due to the presence of insufficient bone structure, a cosmetic dentist may do a procedure that involves mini implants that are smaller in diameter. Depending on the condition of the mouth, the dentist is able to decide the number of appointments required for carrying out the dental care procedure.

5. The procedure of fixing dental implants to the teeth is also termed as ossointegration in dentistry and may require up to 6 months for the healing process.

6. The prosthetic tooth in the case of dental implant is made up of titanium that is easily tolerated by the gum tissue. It is capped using a crown that results in the aesthetic results that are indistinguishable from the other teeth.

7. Proper preoperative care is imperative for maintaining in order to accelerate the dental process and if care for properly, a dental implant may last up to 40 years. However, failure to brush and floss may result in infection and make the procedure unsuccessful.

dental implants NYC clinic provides treatments for missing teeth and other dental problems for a visibly beautiful smile. Visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com for further details.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Do you carry a Mouth Bomb, asks a Cosmetic Dentist in New York!

It sounds awkward, when you see someone’s interrogation video in a TV program, but how about your own. I was also examined at a Cosmetic Dentistry NYC clinic for carrying a disastrous material in the mouth. Unbeknownst to many of us, the dental fillings done in yesteryears is nothing else but silver amalgams, in general it is a silver filling gifted by a dentist as treatment for the dental pain and problems.

Shocking factors about this filling: To the most amaze, this filling is a blend mercury and silver in a proportion of 50% and 20% respectively and undoubtedly some particles of zinc, copper and tin that actually makes you a battery man or metal man like Arnold Schwarzenegger from the movie Terminator.

We all must have studied that this mercury is a poisonous substance, so why did you pay for such a poison? Even some of the dentists and previously treated patients are of the notion that this mercury is blended with other metal and that reduced its venomous properties and kills the fear of harm. However, American Dental Association is not actually happy with this claim.

Disastrous effects of Mercury Filling: The bliss can be a curse too unquestionably, because studies had proved that although this filling can save one from routine filling but this substance can become a trigger to the causes and problems related with brain, ear problems, sinus, eyes , nervous system and to the maximum, for other body organs as well.

Silver filling in the mouth is a perfect example of battery in your mouth and to the wonder; your own saliva is a perfect liquid conductor in the mouth. Therefore, if you had been treated with this filling five year ago to the approximate, you have actually consumed 28% or your mercury filling so far.
If you are an expectant mother and have mercury fillings, you should visit a cosmetic dentist NYC clinic as earliest as possible. The researches exposed a shocking truth about mercury filling; if you are a woman expecting a child and have such metal fillings, your kid might become more prone to physical and mental birth defects.

What is to be done? Do yourself a favor, choose the right and visit right away to a Cosmetic Dentistry NYC clinic for a perfect and healthy cosmetic dental filling free form mercury. One can find more information about these teeth specialists at http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com/tooth-colored-fillings-nyc.php.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

A Cosmetic Dentist from New York City talks about the Option of Dental Bridges

Thousands of people resort to cosmetic dentistry procedures every year in the city of New York. The futuristic treatment options available at a cosmetic dentist NYC clinic help to eliminate all dental flaws. Missing teeth are one of the common dental issues encountered by many. Dental bridges are also termed as fixed partial dentures in the world of cosmetic dentistry and are used in the restoration of missing teeth. In most cases, bridges may act as alternatives to dental implants or dentures that are used in the replacement of missing teeth. Most people prefer this procedure as it is less invasive in comparison to fitting dental implants.

Let us know more about dental bridges in the section below,
1.       Dental bridges help in the restoration of the smile, maintain the shape of the face, correct the bite alignment, help the dental candidate to bite and chew properly.
2.       Bridges that are used for the replacement of missing teeth may be of three types that are the traditional bridges, cantilever bridges and Maryland bonded bridges. These may be constructed out of resin-bonded teeth or it may be porcelain fused to metal or ceramics.
3.       The placement of bridge involves the abutment of the teeth that involves the resizing of the teeth. In cases where these support teeth are broken or damaged then they have to be reconstructed in order to support the bridge.
4.       After the recountering of the adjacent teeth, the impression of the teeth is taken in order to build a customized bridge. Until the permanent bridge is fitted, the cosmetic dentist NYC  clinic may fit a temporary bridge in order to avoid any possible discomfort.
5.       The cosmetic dentist then uses dental cement or bonding solution in order to fix the dental crown to the teeth. Post dental care information is provided by the doctor in order to maintain the wellness of these bridges.
6.       Dental bridges may last up to a span of ten years; however, in case of any complications or repairs the cosmetic dentist should be immediately contacted. Good oral hygiene should also be practiced in order to prevent the threat of infection or the weakening of teeth.

A Silver Tooth Fillings Manhattan clinic provides quick and effective treatments for enhancing smiles and preserving the oral health. Visit http://www.cosmetic-dentistry-nyc.com/tooth-colored-fillings-nyc.php for more details on dental bridges.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Veneers: A solution offered by Cosmetics Dentistry NYC Clinics for Orthodontic Problems

Are you the one who cheerfully smile in public or prefer to remain isolated from social gatherings in lively places of New York? If the reason behind this depressing situation is dental flaws and disorders, do check with miraculous services offered by the Cosmetic Dentistry NYC specialists.

Other than several different kinds of Laser Teeth Whitening  dental treatments, Veneers is a great solution for orthodontic problems that a New Yorker faces. Before moving ahead, it is important to be aware of this dentistry procedure and its advantages.

What is a Veneer?
A veneer is nothing more than a thin shell extracted from a composite material and pragmatically cemented over the damaged tooth.

Who would need Veneers?
Anyone who is suffering from discolored, distorted or broken teeth, chipped teeth, ugly looking gap or the irregularities by birth associated with shape & jaw structure or a person with worn down teeth, then there is unquestionably a big yes for an appointment with a veneering specialist.

Is veneering a complex procedure?
The procedure is not complex, but before the final cementing, it has to pass through several tight pipelines. The whole process of having a face with that happy smile is done in four steps:

1. Initial appointment with a cosmetic dentist, where the patient will be advised about the available options with his/her present dental situation. Here the expert will narrate the entire medical procedure, the color tone that will suit the patient’s teeth and the right treatment that a flawless and perfect cheesy smile.

2. Second, it is skillful removal of enamel without causing too much damage to the tooth. A patient may or may not need to undergo an anesthetic treatment for mitigating the pain of treatment. After the preliminary anesthetic cure, the veneers are prepared for the patient by taking teeth impressions with the help of a tray filled with specially blended material.

3. Once the veneers are ready for cementing, the dental surgeon would place them on the patient without using any sort of permanent cement. This reason behind conducting this test is to ensure the accurate setting of veneers shape and on receiving affirm approval from patient; these veneers are placed firmly to replace that last known teeth disaster a patient was suffering with, on permanent basis.

4. In New York City, the patient will receive prescription from the cosmetic dentists about Dos and Don’ts and will be receiving advises to follow for the longevity of the treatment. According to the surgeon of a Cosmetic Dentistry NYC clinic, this treatment, if taken proper care, could last up to 15 years.

Find out more about author at https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/112670174707149748637/112670174707149748637

Tuesday, 7 February 2012

A Cosmetic Dentistry Professional in NYC analyzes the evolution of Whitening Procedures

In the twenty first century, we are spoiled with choices when it comes to numerous teeth whitening products. It comes as no surprise to walk in to any supermarket in New York to find the shelves cluttered with whitening products that offer sparkling results for the teeth. However many New Yorkers prefer Tooth Colored Fillings Manhattan  clinics as compared to the DIY kits for teeth whitening. A cosmetic dentist has the desired expertise and delivers better results for the teeth with the help of advanced procedures.

In the section below, a cosmetic dentist tells about the history of teeth whitening for better looking teeth.

Teeth whitening procedure has its roots in the ancient Roman and Egyptian civilization with evidences of various whitening agents. Teeth whitening products have been used since the 2000 BC having its origin in human waste and even natural products. The ancient Egyptians used whitening agents such as vinegar and pumice stones in order to make their teeth lighter. In the later years, it encouraged dentists of that era to try the alternative of human waste like urine for lightening of teeth.

Modern day teeth whitening procedures began in the early nineties. A dentist named John Munro is known for the development of the first commercial product for tooth whitening. However, this tooth-whitening discovery was initiated by William Klusmier who discovered the system of tooth whitening accidently. He asked a patient to use 10% Carbamide Peroxide for the healing of the dental tissue only to discover that the tissue has not only healed but even the teeth have lightened over time.

A cosmetic dentistry NYC clinic on the other hand provides advanced treatments in the form of light accelerated bleaching, also termed as power bleaching. Halogen is one of the most preferred sources of tooth bleaching. The light and heat molecule produced by this light excites the peroxide molecules that help to lighten the teeth. These power-whitening treatments may not take more than 30 minutes to an hour to show visible result for the teeth.
Reflecting on the primitive dental techniques, cosmetic dentistry is surely revolutionary that has changed the outlook of an individual towards dentistry.

A Cosmetic Dentistry NYC clinic provides advanced procedures for various dental issues along with creating beautiful smile.

Find out more about author at https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/112670174707149748637/112670174707149748637